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How to Prepare a Learnware?

In the Beimingwu system, each learnware is a zip package, which should contain at least the following four files:

  • learnware.yaml: learnware configuration file.
  • methods for using the model.
  • stat.json: the statistical specification of the learnware. Its filename can be customized and recorded in learnware.yaml.
  • environment.yaml or requirements.txt: specifies the environment for the model.

When creating these four files, you need to use the learnware Python package. You can find specific installation instructions here: Installation Guide.

To facilitate the construction of a learnware, we provide a learnware template that you can use as a basis for building your own learnware.

Next, we will provide detailed explanations for the content of these four files.

Model Invocation File

To ensure that the uploaded learnware can be used by subsequent users, you need to provide interfaces for model fitting fit(X, y), prediction predict(X), and fine-tuning finetune(X, y) in Among these interfaces, only the predict(X) interface is mandatory, while the others depend on the functionality of your model.

Below is a reference template for the file. Please make sure that the input parameter format (the number of parameters and parameter names) for each interface in your model invocation file matches the template below.

import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
from learnware.model import BaseModel

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyModel, self).__init__(input_shape=(37,), output_shape=(1,))
        dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        model_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "model.pkl")
        with open(model_path, "rb") as f:
            self.model = pickle.load(f)

    def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
        self.model =

    def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.model.predict(X)

    def finetune(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
from learnware.model import BaseModel

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyModel, self).__init__(input_shape=(37,), output_shape=(1,))
        dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        model_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "model.pkl")
        with open(model_path, "rb") as f:
            self.model = pickle.load(f)

    def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
        self.model =

    def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.model.predict(X)

    def finetune(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):

Please ensure that the MyModel class inherits from BaseModel in the learnware.model module, and specify the class name (e.g., MyModel) in the learnware.yaml file later.

Input and Output Dimensions

input_shape and output_shape represent the input and output dimensions of the model, respectively. You can refer to the following guidelines when filling them out:

  • input_shape specifies a single input sample's dimension, and output_shape refers to the model's output dimension for a single sample.
  • When the data type being processed is text data, there are no specific requirements for the value of input_shape, and it can be filled in as None.
  • When the output_shape corresponds to tasks with variable outputs (such as object detection, text segmentation, etc.), there are no specific requirements for the value of output_shape, and it can be filled in as None.
  • For classification tasks, output_shape should be (1, ) if the model directly outputs predicted labels, and the sample labels need to start from 0. If the model outputs logits, output_shape should be specified as the number of classes, i.e., (class_num, ).

File Path

If you need to load certain files within the zip package in the file (and any other Python files that may be involved), please follow the method shown in the template above about obtaining the model_path:

  • First, obtain the root directory path of the entire package by getting dir_path.
  • Then, based on the specific file's relative location within the package, obtain the specific file's path, model_path.

Module Imports

Please note that module imports between Python files within the zip package should be done using relative imports. For instance:

from .package_name import *
from .package_name import module_name
from .package_name import *
from .package_name import module_name

Learnware Statistical Specification stat.json

A learnware consists of a model and a specification. Therefore, after preparing the model, you need to generate a statistical specification for it. Specifically, using the previously installed learnware package, you can use the training data train_x (supported types include numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame, and torch.Tensor) as input to generate the statistical specification of the model.

Here is an example of the code:

from learnware.specification import generate_stat_spec

data_type = "table" # Data types: ["table", "image", "text"]
spec = generate_stat_spec(type=data_type, X=train_x)"stat.json")
from learnware.specification import generate_stat_spec

data_type = "table" # Data types: ["table", "image", "text"]
spec = generate_stat_spec(type=data_type, X=train_x)"stat.json")

It's worth noting that the above code only runs on your local computer and does not interact with any cloud servers or leak any local private data.

Additionally, if the model's training data is too large, causing the above code to fail, you can consider sampling the training data to ensure it's of a suitable size before proceeding with reduction generation.

Learnware Configuration File learnware.yaml

This file is used to specify the class name (MyModel) in the model invocation file, the module called for generating the statistical specification (learnware.specification), the category of the statistical specification (RKMETableSpecification), and the specific filename (stat.json):

  class_name: MyModel
  kwargs: {}
  - module_path: learnware.specification
    class_name: RKMETableSpecification
    file_name: stat.json
    kwargs: {}
  class_name: MyModel
  kwargs: {}
  - module_path: learnware.specification
    class_name: RKMETableSpecification
    file_name: stat.json
    kwargs: {}

Please note that the statistical specification class name for different data types ["table", "image", "text"] is [RKMETableSpecification, RKMEImageSpecification, RKMETextSpecification], respectively.

Model Runtime Dependencies

To ensure that your uploaded learnware can be used by other users, the zip package of the uploaded learnware should specify the model's runtime dependencies. The Beimingwu System supports the following two ways to specify runtime dependencies:

  • Provide an environment.yaml file supported by conda.
  • Provide a requirements.txt file supported by pip.

You can choose either method, but please try to remove unnecessary dependencies to keep the dependency list as minimal as possible.

Using environment.yaml File

You can export the environment.yaml file directly from the conda virtual environment using the following command:

  • For Linux and macOS systems:
conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > environment.yaml
conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > environment.yaml
  • For Windows systems:
conda env export | findstr /v "^prefix: " > environment.yaml
conda env export | findstr /v "^prefix: " > environment.yaml

Note that the environment.yaml file in the zip package needs to be encoded in UTF-8 format. Please check the encoding format of the environment.yaml file after using the above command. Due to the conda version and system differences, you may not get a UTF-8 encoded file (e.g. get a UTF-16LE encoded file). You'll need to manually convert the file to UTF-8, which is supported by most text editors. The following Python code for encoding conversion is also for reference:

import codecs

# Read the output file from the 'conda env export' command
# Assuming the file name is environment.yaml and the export format is UTF-16LE
with'environment.yaml', 'r', encoding='utf-16le') as file:
    content =

# Convert the content to UTF-8 encoding
output_content = content.encode('utf-8')

# Write to UTF-8 encoded file
with open('environment.yaml', 'wb') as file:
import codecs

# Read the output file from the 'conda env export' command
# Assuming the file name is environment.yaml and the export format is UTF-16LE
with'environment.yaml', 'r', encoding='utf-16le') as file:
    content =

# Convert the content to UTF-8 encoding
output_content = content.encode('utf-8')

# Write to UTF-8 encoded file
with open('environment.yaml', 'wb') as file:

Additionally, due to the complexity of users' local conda virtual environments, you can execute the following command before uploading to confirm that there are no dependency conflicts in the environment.yaml file:

conda env create --name test_env --file environment.yaml
conda env create --name test_env --file environment.yaml

The above command will create a virtual environment based on the environment.yaml file, and if successful, it indicates that there are no dependency conflicts. You can delete the created virtual environment using the following command:

conda env remove --name test_env
conda env remove --name test_env

Using requirements.txt File

The requirements.txt file should list the packages required for running the file and their specific versions. You can obtain these version details by executing the pip show <package_name> or conda list <package_name> command. Here is an example file:


Manually listing these dependencies can be cumbersome, so you can also use the pipreqs package to automatically scan your entire project and export the packages used along with their specific versions (though some manual verification may be required):

pip install pipreqs
pipreqs ./  # Run this command in the project's root directory
pip install pipreqs
pipreqs ./  # Run this command in the project's root directory

Please note that if you use the requirements.txt file to specify runtime dependencies, the system will by default install these dependencies in a conda virtual environment running Python 3.8 during the learnware deployment.

Furthermore, for version-sensitive packages like torch, it's essential to specify package versions in the requirements.txt file to ensure successful deployment of the uploaded learnware on other machines.

Local Validation of Learnware

After filling in the above files, you can proceed to upload your learnware. Once the learnware is successfully uploaded, the system backend will automatically add it to the validation queue to check whether the learnware meets the requirements, including the format of the learnware and whether the model can be run. This validation process may take some time, depending on the complexity of the learnware and the workload of the system backend. The validation results will be displayed on the website.

Since the backend validation of learnwares can be time-consuming, we recommend that you validate your learnware locally before uploading it by using the following code:

from learnware.client import LearnwareClient

zip_path = ""  # Path to the learnware zip package to be validated
from learnware.client import LearnwareClient

zip_path = ""  # Path to the learnware zip package to be validated

After successfully passing the local validation, you can proceed to upload the learnware to the system to improve the efficiency of the validation process.