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User Agreement

Special Reminder

Please carefully read and fully understand this agreement. By using this platform, especially the liability warning terms, it is understood that you accept and agree to the terms of this agreement. The liability warning terms require your special attention. Upon receiving and initiating the use of this platform, it will be deemed that you have accepted and acknowledged the contents of this agreement, and the agreement will take immediate effect. If you disagree with any terms or provisions of this agreement during the reading process, please immediately cease using this platform.

Agreement Content

1. Scope of Application

  1. This agreement only applies to the upload and download of data and models on this platform and does not apply to services provided by third parties. When accepting third-party services, you should comply with the user agreements, privacy policies, or similar documents provided by the third party. We are not liable for any improper services or violations by third parties.
  2. For issues related to the processing and protection of personal information during your use of this platform, please refer to our "Privacy Policy".
  3. This agreement takes effect upon publication, and we have the right to revise or re-establish this agreement at any time due to changes in laws, regulations, policies, or product service upgrades. The updated terms take effect immediately upon publication, and you can review the latest version of the terms on this platform. If you continue to use this platform, it indicates acceptance of the updated terms. If you disagree with changes to the agreement, please stop using this platform immediately.
  4. The index keywords listed before the terms in this agreement are for the purpose of helping you understand the main points expressed in each term and do not affect or limit the meaning or interpretation of the terms. To protect your own rights, it is recommended to carefully read the specific expressions of each term.
  5. All terms in this agreement have independent legal validity. If any term is wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable, it does not affect the validity and enforceability of other terms.
  6. Due to different functional requirements, additional terms may be added in specific scenarios, including but not limited to platform conventions, service requirements (including age requirements), and separate agreements for specific features. Additional terms will be provided with the relevant features and become part of this agreement upon your use of these features.
  7. The place of signing this agreement is Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China.

2. User Behavior and Responsibilities

  1. All functions provided by this platform require you to register and log in. During the account registration process, you must agree to the terms of the "User Agreement" and "Privacy Policy" and complete the registration as prompted on the page. After successful registration, we will provide you with a user account and corresponding password, which you are responsible for safeguarding. You are legally responsible for all actions performed using your personal user account.

  2. You must ensure that the registration information provided is true and valid. We have the right to reasonably review the information you provide. If the information is incorrect or untrue, we have the right to refuse service or unilaterally terminate services provided to you.

  3. To prevent the platform from being used for illegal activities, you promise not to directly or indirectly engage in the following actions without the permission of relevant rights holders:

    3.1. Intrusion into computer information systems.

    3.2. Employing technical means to obtain data stored, processed, or transmitted in computer information systems.

    3.3. Exercising control over computer information systems.

    3.4. Deleting, modifying, adding, or interfering with the functionality of computer information systems.

    3.5. Deleting, modifying, adding, or interfering with data, applications, and programs stored, processed, or transmitted in computer information systems.

    3.6. Intentionally creating and spreading destructive programs such as computer viruses.

    3.7. Engaging in other activities that harm computer information network security or negatively impact the normal operation of the Internet.

    3.8. Bypassing or circumventing any security protection networks, content protection mechanisms, etc., on this platform.

    3.9. Impacting our data processing and information management rights on this platform in any way.

    3.10. Attempting to obtain information from the backend services of this platform through decompilation, reverse engineering, or other means.

    3.11. Interfering or attempting to interfere with the normal operation of this platform.

    3.12. Soliciting, stealing, or otherwise obtaining other users' accounts, passwords, or other authentication information.

    3.13. Impersonating others to gain unauthorized access to this platform.

    3.14. Engaging in other acts that infringe or attempt to infringe on the normal use of this platform by users.

3. Intellectual Property Responsibilities

  1. For services, functions, and content provided by this platform, including but not limited to software, code, models, data, files, updates, trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domains, etc., we own the intellectual property rights and all rights and ownership contained therein.

  2. You agree to comply with and protect the intellectual property contained in the content you upload, access, or obtain on this platform. Without the prior consent of the relevant rights holder, you shall not use, copy, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, sell, or otherwise use any content that you do not own. You shall not attempt to circumvent mechanisms preventing unauthorized copying or distribution of content; otherwise, the website or content owner may stop your access to the content and may pursue legal action for infringement.

  3. Truthfully fill in the information of the uploaded data and models as required by the page (including but not limited to owner, license, etc.). For the data and models you upload, you must have obtained the permission of the owners and other rights holders of the data and models, comply with open-source licenses, and your upload behavior shall not infringe on the legal rights of any entity.

  4. The training and development data used by the models you upload must have obtained the permission of the original owners and other rights holders, comply with open-source licenses, and the use of this data for training and development of the uploaded model does not involve unfair competition or infringement of the legal rights of any entity.

  5. The text, images, audio, video, and other content information you input when experiencing certain models and functions on this platform must have obtained the consent of the original owners and other rights holders. Your input behavior shall not infringe on the legal rights of any entity.

  6. As a contributor to the website, for any content you submit to the website, due to the possibility that third parties may download and use the content in various ways, you hereby grant the website a permanent, global, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and irrevocable intellectual property license and sublicense right to copy, display, perform, authorize, publish, or otherwise use or modify your contributed content and derivative works in any way.

  7. If any entity initiates intellectual property litigation against you or another entity (including counterclaims or cross-claims in litigation), alleging that your contributed content (or the work you contributed to) constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, any license granted under this agreement for that contributed content or work shall terminate as of the date of such litigation. You warrant that you have the legal right to grant the above license.

  8. Any unauthorized acquisition without our written consent or rights holder permission is considered illegal infringement. To promptly and effectively safeguard your legal rights based on this platform, you agree to authorize us to take legal measures in our name or entrust professional third-party organizations to take legal measures on your behalf when we discover that your legal rights (including but not limited to information network transmission rights, copyright, etc.) may be infringed. This authorization includes but is not limited to infringement monitoring, sending warning letters, filing administrative reports, filing lawsuits, applying for arbitration, transferring to investigative authorities, mediation, settlement, etc. Please note that your authorization to us does not imply the existence of any profit-sharing mechanism between us.

  9. You shall bear the full responsibility for the risks and legal liabilities arising from the above violations. We are not liable for any damages resulting directly or indirectly from your actions, and we are not obligated to bear any legal responsibilities to other users or any third parties. When your actions infringe on our legal rights, we have the right to request you to assume legal responsibilities.

  10. Regarding rights protection: If you find any infringing content on the website, please send an email to The email must include the true identity information of the reporter, reasons for claiming infringement, and preliminary evidence. We will process it within 3 working days.

4. Third-Party Software

  1. This platform may use third-party software or technology (including open-source code and public domain code, etc.), and such usage has obtained legal authorization.
  2. If this platform uses third-party software or technology, we will display the relevant agreements or other documents in accordance with relevant regulations or agreements. These may be presented in various forms, including as "Software License Agreement," "Authorization Agreement," "Open Source Code License," or other forms. The agreements, other documents, and web pages displayed through various forms are integral parts of this agreement and have the same legal effect as this agreement. You must comply with these requirements. Failure to comply may result in lawsuits, fines, or other sanctions by the third party or government authorities, and you are solely responsible for legal liabilities.
  3. Any disputes arising from the use of third-party software or technology on this platform should be resolved by the third party, and we are not liable for any responsibilities. We do not provide customer support for third-party software or technology. If you need support, please contact the third party.

5. Disclaimer

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the provision of this platform to you based on specific circumstances. You shall bear the losses caused by the following circumstances:

  1. Violating laws, regulations, policies, and all norms with legal effect.
  2. Violating the provisions of this agreement.
  3. Impacting the user experience of others.
  4. Security risks.
  5. Contravening our operating principles or failing to comply with other management requirements.

We cannot guarantee (including but not limited to):

  1. Data, models, etc., on this platform meeting your usage requirements and purposes.
  2. Any products, data, or services obtained through this platform meeting your expectations.
  3. The stability, normal operating time, and reliability of this platform. Please do not rely on this platform and all information content on this platform. We are not responsible for any damages caused to you or your downstream customers due to your reliance on this platform.
  4. The compliance, accuracy, and completeness of generated content. The models on this platform (including self-owned models and models contributed by third parties) generated directly or indirectly by users do not represent our attitude and views. Although we have implemented automatic and manual data filtering measures, there may still be errors or negative impacts in some information.

You understand and agree that:

  1. We have the right to change, suspend, or terminate all or part of the network functions at any time for any reason. If the change, suspension, or termination of the network function is free, we are not required to notify you. Once the function is canceled, your right to use this platform is immediately terminated, and any information stored by you on this platform may not be recoverable. We are not liable for any responsibilities to you or any third parties.
  2. When conducting regular or irregular system and server configuration, maintenance, and upgrades, there may be a short-term interruption of functions. We are not liable for any responsibilities, but we will provide notice as much as possible in advance.

We are not liable for any direct or indirect compensation or compensation for tangible or intangible losses caused by:

  1. The use or inability to use this platform.
  2. Any products, data, or services obtained through this platform.
  3. Unauthorized use or modification of your information content by third parties.

Risk of Third-Party Products and Services

  1. When using products or services provided by third parties on this platform, please voluntarily comply with the user agreements and usage regulations of the third party. We are not liable for any disputes that may arise between you and the products or services provided by third parties.
  2. When accessing third-party websites using this platform, you shall bear the risks arising from third-party websites and related content. Risks due to your authorization of third parties (including third-party applications) to access/use this platform shall be borne entirely by you.
  3. When using this platform or requesting specific services from us, we may use third-party platforms or provide support for your use or access through third-party systems. The results of such use or access are provided by the third party, and we do not guarantee the security, accuracy, functionality, etc., of the services and content provided by third parties. We are not responsible for any damages caused by this.

According to legal provisions, for other risks beyond our control, you shall bear them entirely, including but not limited to:

  1. Risks of data loss, leakage, etc., due to force majeure or other unexpected events.
  2. Risks of damage due to mismatch between this platform and your terminal device model or poor network signal, bandwidth, etc.
  3. Risks of your information content being stolen by others or risks arising from the dissemination of such information.
  4. Any other risks arising from factors beyond our control.

If you violate relevant laws, regulations, or the provisions of this agreement, causing us to suffer any losses, claims from other users, or penalties from any administrative department, you shall fully compensate us, other users, or relevant third parties for actual losses, including reasonable attorney fees.

You understand and agree that if we do not enforce or exercise any statutory rights or remedies included in this agreement (or that we are entitled to under any applicable law), it does not constitute a formal waiver of our rights. Rights or remedies under this agreement remain valid. Our waiver of any rights stipulated in this agreement in the event of your negligence or breach does not constitute a waiver of other or similar negligence or breaches by you in the future.

Reporting and Complaints

Contact Email:

If we receive reports or complaints from others and confirm that you have violated the provisions of this agreement, we have the right to delete the relevant content without notice and impose penalties, including warnings, restricting functions, suspending services, banning accounts, or even closing accounts, and announce the processing results based on specific circumstances.