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How to Deploy and Reuse Learnware?

In the Beiming system, users can deploy and reuse learnwares using the learnware Python package.

Loading Learnware and Environments

Users can load learnwares using the LearnwareClient class from the learnware Python package. First, instantiate a LearnwareClient:

from learnware.client import LearnwareClient
client = LearnwareClient()
from learnware.client import LearnwareClient
client = LearnwareClient()

Loading Learnware by Learnware ID

Assuming the user knows the ID of the learnware they want to load, they can use the following code to load the corresponding learnware and its environment:

learnware_id = "00000082"
learnware = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_id=learnware_id, runnable_option="docker"
learnware_id = "00000082"
learnware = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_id=learnware_id, runnable_option="docker"

When the user wants to load multiple learnwares according to the id list learnware_ids, it can be accomplished with the following code:

learnware_ids = ["00000082", "00000120"]
learnware_list = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_id=learnware_ids, runnable_option="docker"
learnware_ids = ["00000082", "00000120"]
learnware_list = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_id=learnware_ids, runnable_option="docker"

The runnable_option parameter includes three options (default is None), each corresponding to a specific learnware deployment method:

  • None: Load only learnware specifications and basic information; run the learnware using the current learnware package's Python environment.
  • "conda": Install a separate conda virtual environment for each learnware (automatically deleted after execution); run each learnware independently within its virtual environment.
  • "docker": Install a conda virtual environment inside a Docker container (automatically destroyed after execution); run each learnware independently within the container (requires Docker privileges).

It's important to note that while the system makes every effort to ensure the security of each learnware, the None and "conda" modes are not secure if there are any malicious learnwares. If the user cannot guarantee the security of the learnware they want to load, it's recommended to use the relatively secure "docker" mode to load the learnware.

Loading Learnware from a ZIP File

In addition to loading learnware by ID, users can also load a learnware from a zip file downloaded from the web frontend:

learnware_path = ""
learnware = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_path=learnware_path, runnable_option="docker"
learnware_path = ""
learnware = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_path=learnware_path, runnable_option="docker"

When the user wants to load multiple learnwares according to the zip path list learnware_paths, it can be achieved with the following code:

learnware_paths = ["", ""]
learnware_list = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_path=learnware_paths, runnable_option="docker"
learnware_paths = ["", ""]
learnware_list = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_path=learnware_paths, runnable_option="docker"

Utilizing Learnware for Prediction

After loading the learnware as described above, you can directly call the predict(X) interface of the learnware to perform predictions. The specific code is as follows:

# test_x is the user's data for prediction
# predict_y is the prediction result of the learnware
learnware = client.load_learnware(learnware_id=learnware_id)
predict_y = learnware.predict(test_x)
# test_x is the user's data for prediction
# predict_y is the prediction result of the learnware
learnware = client.load_learnware(learnware_id=learnware_id)
predict_y = learnware.predict(test_x)

Homogeneous Learnware Reuse Methods

In addition to using learnwares directly, users can further make predictions on unlabeled data using basic learnware reuse methods provided by the system.

There are two main categories of reuse methods: (1) data-free reusers which reuse learnwares directly and (2) data-dependent reusers which reuse learnwares with a small amount of labeled data.

Data-Free Reusers

Two methods for direct reuse of learnwares are provided: JobSelectorReuser and AveragingReuser.

  • JobSelectorReuser selects different learnwares for different data by training a classifier. Here's how to use it:
from learnware.reuse import JobSelectorReuser

# learnware_list is the list of loaded learnware
reuse_job_selector = JobSelectorReuser(learnware_list=learnware_list)

# test_x is the user's data for prediction
# predict_y is the prediction result of the reused learnware
predict_y = reuse_job_selector.predict(user_data=test_x)
from learnware.reuse import JobSelectorReuser

# learnware_list is the list of loaded learnware
reuse_job_selector = JobSelectorReuser(learnware_list=learnware_list)

# test_x is the user's data for prediction
# predict_y is the prediction result of the reused learnware
predict_y = reuse_job_selector.predict(user_data=test_x)
  • AveragingReuser uses an ensemble method to make predictions. The mode parameter specifies the specific ensemble method:
from learnware.reuse import AveragingReuser

# Regression tasks:
#   - mode="mean": average the learnware outputs.
# Classification tasks:
#   - mode="vote_by_label": majority vote for learnware output labels.
#   - mode="vote_by_prob": majority vote for learnware output label probabilities.
reuse_ensemble = AveragingReuser(
    learnware_list=learnware_list, mode="vote_by_label"
ensemble_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=test_x)
from learnware.reuse import AveragingReuser

# Regression tasks:
#   - mode="mean": average the learnware outputs.
# Classification tasks:
#   - mode="vote_by_label": majority vote for learnware output labels.
#   - mode="vote_by_prob": majority vote for learnware output label probabilities.
reuse_ensemble = AveragingReuser(
    learnware_list=learnware_list, mode="vote_by_label"
ensemble_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=test_x)

For more detailed usage and explanations, please refer to the Learnware Package Data-Free Reuse Methods Introduction.

Data-Dependent Reusers

When users have a small amount of labeled data, the system provides two methods: EnsemblePruningReuser and FeatureAugmentReuser to help adapt the learnwares.

  • EnsemblePruningReuser selects a subset of suitable learnwares using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and uses an average ensemble for prediction:
from learnware.reuse import EnsemblePruningReuser

# mode="regression": Suitable for regression tasks
# mode="classification": Suitable for classification tasks
reuse_ensemble_pruning = EnsemblePruningReuser(
    learnware_list=learnware_list, mode="regression"

# (val_X, val_y) is the small amount of labeled data, val_y=val_y)
predict_y = reuse_job_selector.predict(user_data=test_x)
from learnware.reuse import EnsemblePruningReuser

# mode="regression": Suitable for regression tasks
# mode="classification": Suitable for classification tasks
reuse_ensemble_pruning = EnsemblePruningReuser(
    learnware_list=learnware_list, mode="regression"

# (val_X, val_y) is the small amount of labeled data, val_y=val_y)
predict_y = reuse_job_selector.predict(user_data=test_x)
  • FeatureAugmentReuser enhances user task features by incorporating predictions from learnwares, subsequently training a simple model (logistic regression for classification tasks and ridge regression for regression tasks):
from learnware.reuse import FeatureAugmentReuser

# mode="regression": Suitable for regression tasks
# mode="classification": Suitable for classification tasks
augment_reuser = FeatureAugmentReuser(
    learnware_list=learnware_list, mode="regression"

# (val_X, val_y) is the small amount of labeled data, val_y)
predict_y = augment_reuser.predict(user_data=test_x)
from learnware.reuse import FeatureAugmentReuser

# mode="regression": Suitable for regression tasks
# mode="classification": Suitable for classification tasks
augment_reuser = FeatureAugmentReuser(
    learnware_list=learnware_list, mode="regression"

# (val_X, val_y) is the small amount of labeled data, val_y)
predict_y = augment_reuser.predict(user_data=test_x)

For more detailed usage and explanations, please refer to the Learnware Package Data-Dependent Reuse Methods Introduction.

Heterogeneous Learnware Reuse Methods

The system provides the HeteroMapAlignLearnware class to help align heterogeneous learnware with the user's task, including two steps: input space alignment and output space alignment.

During the alignment process of heterogeneous learnware, the statistical specifications of the learnware and the user's task (user_spec) are used for input space alignment, and a small amount of labeled data (val_x, val_y) is used for output space alignment. Here's the code:

from learnware.reuse import HeteroMapAlignLearnware

# mode="regression": For user tasks of regression
# mode="classification": For user tasks of classification
hetero_learnware = HeteroMapAlignLearnware(learnware=leanrware, mode="regression")
hetero_learnware.align(user_spec, val_x, val_y)

# Make predictions using the aligned heterogeneous learnware
predict_y = hetero_learnware.predict(user_data=test_x)
from learnware.reuse import HeteroMapAlignLearnware

# mode="regression": For user tasks of regression
# mode="classification": For user tasks of classification
hetero_learnware = HeteroMapAlignLearnware(learnware=leanrware, mode="regression")
hetero_learnware.align(user_spec, val_x, val_y)

# Make predictions using the aligned heterogeneous learnware
predict_y = hetero_learnware.predict(user_data=test_x)

If you want to reuse multiple heterogeneous learnwares, you can combine HeteroMapAlignLearnware with the homogeneous reuse methods AveragingReuser and EnsemblePruningReuser as mentioned before:

hetero_learnware_list = []
for learnware in learnware_list:
    hetero_learnware = HeteroMapAlignLearnware(learnware, mode="regression")
    hetero_learnware.align(user_spec, val_x, val_y)
# Reuse multiple heterogeneous learnwares using AveragingReuser
reuse_ensemble = AveragingReuser(learnware_list=hetero_learnware_list, mode="mean")
ensemble_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=test_x)

# Reuse multiple heterogeneous learnwares using EnsemblePruningReuser
reuse_ensemble = EnsemblePruningReuser(
    learnware_list=hetero_learnware_list, mode="regression"
), val_y)
ensemble_pruning_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=test_x)
hetero_learnware_list = []
for learnware in learnware_list:
    hetero_learnware = HeteroMapAlignLearnware(learnware, mode="regression")
    hetero_learnware.align(user_spec, val_x, val_y)
# Reuse multiple heterogeneous learnwares using AveragingReuser
reuse_ensemble = AveragingReuser(learnware_list=hetero_learnware_list, mode="mean")
ensemble_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=test_x)

# Reuse multiple heterogeneous learnwares using EnsemblePruningReuser
reuse_ensemble = EnsemblePruningReuser(
    learnware_list=hetero_learnware_list, mode="regression"
), val_y)
ensemble_pruning_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=test_x)